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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @mutgr She doesn't want anything to do with anyone, unfortunately.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @katrina2017 This is good advice and I appreciate it. It has always been a tenuous relationship. She stopped responding to me years ago. Everything I am finding out is secondhand from my father whom is now shut out also.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @zarif I assumed it was a staffing issue as well. Low pay and little reward doesn't encourage a lot of staffing. I am going to look into both a welfare check and look further into the school board issue. Luckily they are not being abused but that doesn't seem to be that helpful right now.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @nmb There was a second report by a separate party the day after. I was hoping this would influence the outcome but I guess not.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @ptrchunt I have had this suggested multiple times. I will look into this.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @ptrchunt "We are unable to initiate an investigation because the information provided either does not meet the legal definition of abuse/neglect, or the alleged perpetrator is not an individual whom DCFS is authorized to investigate." That's what they told us that investigations rarely result...
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @butterflyja So that's what OCS told me. That it should help since I filed a report with both OCS first and then DCFS second. But apparently not. And interestingly, the school system says since the children were never enrolled within their system, or have never been enrolled since birth, my...
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    @butterflyja I hate it but unfortunately I am not in the position to either pay for a lawyer or house the children.
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    My sister is neglecting her children but DCFS/OCS won't investigate since it does not meet their criteria

    I apologize if this is the wrong sub and if someone has a better suggestion please let me know. I was wondering if anyone has any advice of where I can go from here. I made the awful decision of filing a neglect report on my sister through DCFS and OCS. They sent me a letter stating they will...