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  1. M

    Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?

    @katrina2017 Wave to me when you visit Banff! I'm just a hop skip jump over in Calgary :)
  2. M

    Had my annual appointment today..

    @wilsonsolid I have an appointment with my doc in about 3 weeks to talk about going off BC, but I've been on it for almost 14 years! Bit scared to go off :(
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    Pre-pregnancy Blood Tests

    @lesstesty I had chicken pox as a kid but i figure it doesn't really hurt to make sure you still have the immunity.
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    Pre-pregnancy Blood Tests

    @roseanne7 I have no idea what my type is either!! I'm excited to find out
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    Pre-pregnancy Blood Tests

    I had my annual physical a couple weeks ago, and my doctor gave me the lab requisition to get my testing done, which I kind of forgot about until the post @frederickmilles made last week about the Rubella reminder. I just wanted to do a quick rundown of the tests my doc ordered in case anyone...