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  1. B

    It gets better

    @larkington Success for me right now is getting through the day without crying. We’ve got this x
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    It gets better

    @dhfjgjk56 Forgot to say - the swaddle bags are from love to dream x
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    It gets better

    @dhfjgjk56 She won’t take a paci 🤷🏼‍♀️ just spits them out. I quite often let her nurse to sleep, which I’m sure I may well live to regret but honestly there are so many times I’d do anything to get some peace that it feels worth it, at least for now! Not sure where you are (I’m in the UK) but...
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    It gets better

    @christlikekingdom It is SO.HARD. I’m sure you’re doing a fab job x
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    It gets better

    @blossoming First big change for us came at 6 weeks - the crying peaks and you might get a smile, the end of the angry potato phase!!
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    It gets better

    @jmv If there’s one thing I’ve learned so far it’s that everyone is in the same boat ❤️ I’m sure you’re doing amazingly x
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    It gets better

    @michaellaporga You’ve got this 😘
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    It gets better

    @davidail1 They will come! We’ve got this x
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    It gets better

    @pat4jesus Hang in there, you’re amazing x
  10. B

    It gets better

    Here (9 weeks) having my first hot cup of tea, on my own, since she was born. The house is silent whilst she’s napping in her crib. Doesn’t sound like much but it is one of the most satisfying feelings I’ve had since giving birth and if you’d told me I’d ever do this again 4 weeks ago I’d have...