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  1. C

    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    @truthandpeace Ugh.. I have a 10m old and this question is really starting to ramp up... I'm just not ready to leave out little bubble! It's hard to even take her to doctor appointments, let alone to "hang out" for their selfish reason of not always wanting to come to us ..
  2. C

    9 week old sleep question(s)

    It's hard to find a definitive or even roundabout answer on Google.. maybe I suck at searching. She just turned 9 weeks. At night she is sleeping 5-6 hours straight sometimes, and may even sleep longer if I don't wake her up to feed. Is it ok to let them sleep and wake on their own? She is...