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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    @jesus_is_our_lord Great! I added this to my registry but it’s an item I’ll definitely purchase if not gifted. I’m glad to hear it has longevity ☺️
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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    @kersh Great tip! I’ll definitely check out Facebook. I had a carrier on my registry and then it dawned on me that nothing made for mainstream “one size” fits me well, so I’m glad you shared some advice 💚
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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    @bryanmaloney Thank you! I will check it out ☺️
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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    @sam272 Thanks! A wrap does sound comfier than some of the contraptions I’ve seen that look similar to hiking gear 😄
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    Baby Carrier for Big Hips

    Hi all! I am so thankful to have found this community and eager to get input on prepping for my first baby. I’m currently 20 weeks, bmi of 39 and have gained 3 pounds this pregnancy. My partner and I hope to tote this little bean with us everywhere we safely can after birth (of course...
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    Just found out I’m 17 weeks pregnant! HELP!

    @immela I just had my baby but had a bmi of 39 during pregnancy. Besides taking a prenatal, there isn’t much to do in early pregnancy. The biggest concern raised due to my bmi were associated risks, specifically pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. If you would like to ease your mind...