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  1. L

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 If you are okay medicating you could do a trial of pediatrician approved pain med 🤷‍♀️
  2. L

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @hunter14 Any chance of an ear infection? Idk if you flew during vacation or if LO had any congestion?
  3. L

    I’m so tired but I don’t want to quit

    @evelynssye My 8 month old is similar. She’s sleep trained but nurses back to sleep. She has given me long stretches in the past but now it’s 3ish hours between wakes. Last night before bed I tried nursing then topping off with a bottle. She slept from 7:30p-2am before asking for boob! She only...