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  1. C

    Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

    @bernard222 Two dogs They are both corgis. Leia is 5, Ivy is almost 1 year old. Pic of them sleeping together here I'd choose a dog. You just can't beat those snuggles! First pet ever.... Hmmm... It'd be a tie between Miss Kitty (orange farm cat) and King (our german shepherd) that I grew up...
  2. C

    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 Waiting due to financials and until I get into a bit better shape. Been waiting for about 2-3 years off and on? We kind of went back and forth on the idea of having kids for a little while. We will likely start trying in about 2 months. He hates having to wait right now. If he had...