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  1. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    I will add that we’re coming off of two vacations in a row, but we kept to a routine on vacation/during travel and he did great - this chaos just started 2 nights after getting home from the latest trip.
  2. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @trivalee Thank you! Always a guessing game with these babies. 😊
  3. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @trivalee I follow his cues and even these wake windows can be hard for him to meet! Would it change that quickly to where he was sleeping through the night (minus a quick false start and/or 1 night feed) to waking up frequently?
  4. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @lex123 Could be… we did fly. He’s a pretty stuffy baby in general though, so hard to say if it’s much different post travel. I’ll give our doctor a call if it doesn’t improve!
  5. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    @alysson Ugh. Every stage is equally fun and challenging! I hope you get some full nights soon.
  6. H

    Regression?! WTF is going on over here!

    Last two nights LO is up C O N S T A N T L Y after falling asleep independently. Two nights ago was every 45 min - 1 hr for the entire night and last night he couldn’t even get a 15 min stretch in without waking up in screams for almost 2 straight hours. HELP?! Rough WW we follow -...