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  1. R

    Baby stopped sleeping through the night after an attempt at dropping dream feed

    @gaconvn Please see here: Daily Schedule ~7 am and 7:30 am: Wake up ~7:30 am: Feed 100 mL breast milk ~8 am: solids ~8:30 am: play time 8:50 am: put in sleep sack and feed 240 mL ~9:40 am: put in crib for first nap ~10:40 am to 11:40 am: wake up from first nap and give vitamin D drops...
  2. R

    Baby stopped sleeping through the night after an attempt at dropping dream feed

    @kww It’s been about 1 week. It coincides exactly. Minimal new food. No diaper rash.
  3. R

    Baby stopped sleeping through the night after an attempt at dropping dream feed

    @poorelectron He often takes short naps so the ranges indicate possible times. He naps anywhere from 2-3 hours total per day. And at night, he is asleep 10 hours on good nights. These days he drops as low as 8.
  4. R

    Baby stopped sleeping through the night after an attempt at dropping dream feed

    My 7 month old used to sleep 7 pm to 7 am with one dream feed at 9:30 pm. I tried dropping the dream feed and that night he woke up crying uncontrollably for about an hour. Finally gave him a small feed so he’d stop crying and go back to sleep. But now, even after reintroducing the dream feed...