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    Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

    @ajay003 I think there are worse illnesses he could catch. Right now covid is spreading by it's not the same illness it was before. It's your choice whether you are willing to accept the risk. As for me, we can't vaccinate babies here but, with doctors approval, we went to a wedding, traveled...
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    Cleaning toys

    @prestige Ahah same here, I was like "guess what, I found something else that makes me a sh*Itty parent" :D
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    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    @gembeldolar Sure, but if he's doing a chore, it means you are watching the kids (depending on their age). Instead, you could do something fun as a family or one could watch the kids and the other relax. What I mean is that no matter what, it falls on you even if you are not doing the chore
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    Solo parents, would you have another?

    @lovethyneighbourasthyself Maybe you could still send your daughter to daycare while you are on maternity leave?
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    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    @seye Maybe something to try in that case would be to make a bib with half breast milk and half powder milk?