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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @jyoooohs Ive thought about doing the naked thing, i just dont want her peeing everywhere. Lol. They make these training panties now that hold in the liquid if they go. We've been trying those, but she just goes pee in them, and keeps wearing them because they dont leak. Maybe we should just try...
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @jennieg Thank you!
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @denisedavis94 Yes. Someone recommended this and we're going to start with stickers today! She loves stickers so idk why i never thought of this before. Lol But thank you.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @marinam91 Ok. Whos potty trained before 1? If so, thats a miracle and certainly has no bearing on your situation. We know every child is different. So dont let it get you down. Ive gotten a few good tips in this thread that i think will definitely help. Definitely gonna try the stickers thing...
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @seescandy Thats a good idea. We''ll just call it incentives instead of bribing. Lol. But i think the idea of giving her something to look forward to for using the potty besides treats will help big time. Thank you!
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @phoneman777 Yeah i wouldnt say i pressure her. I read somewhere that pressuring them will just make them push back harder. Ive done alot of research online trying to figure this out. Lol. I usually just ask throughout the day if she wants to use the big girl potty. And ill offer a treat. And...
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @donnyb I havent tried making her go every so often. Usually i just ask her. But maybe i should do that so she feels she doesnt have a choice. Its just the energy and the struggle of running her down everytime i ask. Lol.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @dori777 Time is good. I guess im just worried about her showing no interest, and falling too far behind other children her age. But i know every child grows at their own pace. I just didnt think itd be this hard. It was too easy with my 1st. Lol.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @elainecoffey I know what you mean about the lack of consistency. Its hard sometimes being a mom and having to do a million things and try to keep on a potty training schedule. I stuggle with that too. We're all doing out best! Good luck to you.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @biblehistoria “maybe if he pays for his own diapers too…” Omg. Lol. Sounds like my SO. Diapers can get expensive though. Its funny your little guy can change his own pull ups. My daughter just brings me a pull up and the wipes when she wants to be changed. Its frustrating. Like if you KNOW...
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @divinejourney I thought about doing the no pants things, but im just worried about her peeing everywhere.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @tshimangadzo Yes. She has a favorite doll. & the doll even has its own little potty seat. lol. it didnt help. We tried rewards as in treats, but we havent tried stickers. She loves stickers, so that may actually help. Thank you.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @abrahamictheist I will try anything. Thank you!
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @milikova Thats a good idea.. I even mentioned to my SO that maybe shes so comfortable staying in a pull up because she knows we have them. So maybe if theyre outta sight, she'll think she has no choice. Thank you!
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    She turned 3 in May. She's definitely ready to use the big potty. She tells me when she goes poop in her pull-up and/or wants to be changed. She watches me go potty all the time and she knows what its for. We bought her a pretty princess potty seat. She was excited for her new big girl panties...