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  1. S

    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    @mathman141 I was initially on a HDU on the same floor as NICU and my midwife was lovely and kept getting me updates. I couldn't go as I was hooked to various drips. Once I was discharged and then visiting the unit, I remember walking further than I should have, from one end of the hospital to...
  2. S

    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel 28 +5wks due to preeclampsia, high blood pressure and other medical issues. I had a son. He was 2lb 5oz. He was off all breathing support by day 12 and was moved to SCBU by day 14. He came home after 9wks. He had to feed properly and be at the correct weight before he could come...
  3. S

    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    @mathman141 I had my son at 28+5wks as emergency C. I was nursed on a maternity ward, the NICU was 2 floors above. I've always said NICU mums need to be nursed closure to NICU with immediate access to counsellors. It does get easier, it just takes time.