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  1. G

    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @comicbookcollege Yes! He would do 2-3 oz on dr brown bottles. He could do 4 but it took over an hour to get him to finish it. On the herobility ones he can finish the entire 4–5 oz even after stopping to burp in the middle. They have a wide top and a flatter nipple so I think it’s just more...
  2. G

    How do I stop worrying about the “numbers?”

    @hasibiz I agree with what people are saying. Stop tracking it and change nipple sizes. You could also look into a different formula that might help gain more weight. Or if you don’t you could warm the bottles and she might want that more. If you do warm them maybe try room temp. Different...
  3. G

    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @comicbookcollege I would also try a different bottle brand she might just not like that bottle. Herobility is a good one and has a flatter shaped nipple I notice my sun takes to them a lot better than the browns.