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  1. B

    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @19ana89 I'm the exact same. I'm an RN who supported us all through medical school and residency. My oldest was 1.5 and I was pregnant with #2 when my husband finished residency and got his first high earning job (but still with a lot of medical school debt). I put my son in daycare to work...
  2. B

    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 I think your kids would be fine skipping preschool if you put in a little extra effort with socializing and enriching them. Most of the evidence for preschool shows that play based programs are the most effective for development at that age. The introduction to academics gives them an...
  3. B

    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 Is there any chance you're confusing "preschool" with daycare? I only ask because my husband's family uses the terms interchangeably, maybe it's a regional thing. My kids went to a private preschool that was just 8:30-11am and only four days per week. I wouldn't say it was cheap if...