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  1. B

    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @john127 That makes sense. Hopefully his parents can stick it out for a bit to see if it works because he’s going to be insanely cranky during the day until we can see if that helps. Knowing him it’s going to take a while. He has always fought sleep and we’ve tried putting him to bed later and...
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @john127 Ok that’s where this gets tricky with him waking up at 5…but maybe cutting the length of the naps down with help get him to a later wake up time
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @john127 What time was she waking up in the morning?
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @john127 So there was a period of time where she was getting about 1 hour 20 min of daytime sleep? When was she falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning?
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @bootsandjeans My NK usually cries right when he’s put down and they do the method where you go in after 5 min and tell the baby “it’s time for nap, I love you” but don’t pick them up. Then go in every 10-15 min until they stop and go to sleep. It usually takes him 5-15 min to go down but the...
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @bootsandjeans What happens when you put her down for the 2nd nap? What sleep training method are you using?
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    @bootsandjeans Sorry to hear, it’s brutal. Trying the 20 min “cat nap” for 1st nap sounds worth trying
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    I nanny for an 13 month old who sleeps from 6:45/7 to 5 am and is now starting to refuse his 2nd nap

    He was taking nap 1 around 8:45 am for 1-1.5 hours, then nap 2 around 2/2:30 pm for 1.5-2 hours. I’m not there for nap 1 but mom says she doesn’t think he’d make it to a later nap time. Her and the dad have tried earlier and later bed times in hopes of him sleeping past 5 am (sometimes a little...