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  1. M

    Night weaning

    @debbie_s She started in our room on her own bed (twin sized mattress) next to our bed. She was cosleeping in our bed initially, but we switched her to her own bed in hopes of reducing her night wakings (it didn’t really work), and so then tried her own room. When we transitioned her to her own...
  2. M

    Night weaning

    @debbie_s We had success moving my (then 14 month old) to her own room, which stopped her from waking up whenever I came into the room/shifted at night. She seemed to sleep more soundly. We started with naps in her room and then did bedtime. We also had my husband go in at night (as you said)...
  3. M

    Help me eat lunch!

    @debbie112 I do the same, ever since my daughter was about 11 months. We did baby led weaning, which meant she was basically eating what we ate anyway. I prepare our food, sit her in her high chair while I’m at the table or we have a “picnic” on the floor if that works better that day (and the...