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  1. F

    I now know what a blighted ovum is…

    @dennondeo It’s so infuriating how much our healthcare providers take for granted that we know about this stuff and give little to no information- it’s just another day at the office for them. I had a MMC in my first and only pregnancy so far, and I had NO clue what that was, or how bad it was...
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    I now know what a blighted ovum is…

    @dennondeo I had a sort of similar experience with the optimism before the scan. I was measuring over a week behind where I should have been based on me knowing my ovulation date. After that scan, I sat with an NP for like an hour going through everything, from getting 1st trimester appts on...
  3. F

    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    @hotinco My SIL having her baby that was due 3 weeks before me, when I miscarried and still have no baby/pregnancy Turning 35 2 weeks after my August MMC Officially hitting 1 year of TTC in November Realizing I probably won’t be pregnant again before my due date (3/26 or 4/1, my OB never...
  4. F

    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    @ldrkert4 100%! Those are usually things that contribute to egg/sperm quality and can be potential factors ultimately in miscarriages or other issues, but not conception as far as I’m aware. A bad egg and/or bad sperm can still fertilize, implant, and even grow for many weeks/months but likely...
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    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    @brandonlewis Letrozole helps! I just found out I have PCOS m, and apparently the issue there is that you get a ton of follicles each month, but they might not actually mature & ovulate a good egg. I took letrozole days 5-9 this cycle and am now in the TWW. if you’re already ovulating, it...
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    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    @andreea2017 Dumb question- do you see your obgyn first and then get a referral to an RE or is this something you can set up on your own? I just passed a year of TTC and only had one positive test the whole time that ended in a miscarriage in August, so I’m starting to explore finding an RE...