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  1. E

    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @gagirl1961 Yep! My 2.5 yeat old is in a gymnastics class. I use the term "class" loosely. They aren't doing cartwheels, the high bars where they flip from one to the other, or doing handsprings lol. OP's may be different, but at ours they do little obstacle courses with balance beams & tunnels...
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    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @sunshine Thank you! I hated myself at the moment but afterwards I was glad I did what I did. Take care!
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    What are the best phrases you never thought you’d have to say?

    @kaylank92 Jeez, lucky my 2 don't have a thing for poop
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    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    @sunshine This! We have been having an issue lately with our 2 year old during meals. He sits in a booster seat and sometimes uses his feet to push his chair back from the table (either because he is done eating or he is mad with what we made him). Wife and I have both told him in calm...