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  1. J

    Night time diaper recommendation for a 6-8 hrs sleeping baby

    @brad0037 Like others have said, I also cloth diaper during the day and use a disposable at night. My reasoning is that it feels drier and she can flood that thing without leaks. Anything to keep her sleeping through the night! During the day, we mostly use La Petite Ourse pockets or AIOs, but I...
  2. J

    Is this a good deal?

    @vkm I went all in on LPOs (US) and have zero regrets. They are the best!!
  3. J

    Where to begin?

    @evansli Ask yourself some key questions to help you decide what you want out of cloth diapering. Do you have a clothes dryer/mind long dry times? Do you want the cheapest diapering option? Do you mind stuffing diapers or would you rather fold flats/prefolds? Do you want something easy for any...
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    Where to start???

    @kurret I went all in on La Petite Ourse diapers and love them! I liked that they came with bamboo inserts so I didn’t have to worry about buying different ones. They’re having a big sale that ends today. I would stay away from microfiber inserts because you will likely need to boost later on...
  5. J

    Where to start???

    @jesussaves7763 It’s a small investment too if you don’t like it!
  6. J

    Help pls

    @aymgoa Ugh soft water!!! Here’s my routine that has been serving us well. First wash: diapers only, warm wash (our water heater is very hot though), line one of liquid Tide free and clear and about a tablespoon of Oxiclean powder. Second wash: add kid laundry, warm wash on “heavy” setting, line...
  7. J

    Where to start???

    @jesussaves7763 As far as diaper pail, I highly recommend getting a cheap plastic hamper from Walmart or Target. I bought one for about $8 at Walmart and I can just wipe it out with a disinfectant wipe as needed. We had a top loader so I would just dump the diapers in. Now we’re renting a place...