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  1. M

    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @laurapalooza Thanks. It will be difficult to jump right to dragging him to therapy without him realizing the need for it. He feels like his actions and responses are reasonable (even though they are not) so i think we need to first do what someone else mentioned and try to listen to why he...
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @monstershouter I know. He is a good kid, just spoiled and used to getting his way. To complicate matters my wife has frequent depression (bipolar) and tends to defend and enable his bad behavior, i guess out of guilt. It doesn’t help that we aren’t on the same page.
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @anita5050 I will do that. Thanks. I know he’s a good kid. In front of strangers he is shy, timid and quiet. I think there is something deeper going on that has been festering for years or even since he was a little. We took him to a therapist once (he was around 8 or 9) to see if they thought...
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @bronald We do stick up for the girls especially if its unprovoked. Sometimes the girls (especially the youngest who is 8 y/o) pushes his buttons to get him to freak out (eating his candy, touching stuff in his room) and we have to be fair. But I wouldn’t say the girls feel unsafe or anything...
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @katrina2017 He is a good kid for sure. I know he has a good heart. It’s almost like some of this is an act, to be more assertive and strong. In reality i think he is sensitive but just hides it behind this bully demeanor. In front of strangers he is quiet, shy and timid. That’s why i was...
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    @latenighttrain Thanks. My youngest (now 8 y/o) has actually been in Montessori for her whole education so this makes sense although she is very similar to our oldest in terms of over-the-top reactions to things like screaming at the top of her lungs if anyone bugs her. I feel like there might...
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    Need advice about son who acts immature 24/7

    Hi all. I was hoping you could give me (mid-thirties dad of 4 kids, 2 of them teens) some ideas on how to handle my son’s unique personality. He just turned 15. He acts incredibly immature almost 24/7 and it always causes fights amongst all our kids (him and 3 daughters) or between him and us...