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  1. D

    We make too much to get any assistance and not enough to live. I literally don’t know what we are going to do

    @faith2016 I’m not on Facebook, I quit 3 years ago because it is so addictive. But I probably should get back on there because I know it can be a good resource for connecting with the community. I will look into mom groups. Thanks!
  2. D

    We make too much to get any assistance and not enough to live. I literally don’t know what we are going to do

    @jamesdoeith Milk banks are a great idea and something I absolutely wouldn’t have thought of! Thank you!!
  3. D

    We make too much to get any assistance and not enough to live. I literally don’t know what we are going to do

    I wanted to formula feed because I am bipolar and want to get back on my meds ASAP. The cut off for WIC is 42,606 for a family of 3 in my state, and my husband makes just over 43k. Formula is expensive. It looks like I might be forced to breast feed so our baby doesn’t go hungry. But that’s...