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  1. M

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @wantingtodotherightthing This was my son lol. Induced at 42 weeks because, in labor for like 26 hours, then had to get him cut out anyways (C-section) because he refused to turn in a direction that was conducive to actually coming out of a pelvis. That kid was 100% content with staying in there...
  2. M

    I missed another first and I’m really sad about it

    @dezzy Aww it’s definitely hard missing the firsts! But if it’s any consolation, we have seen the trash truck pretty much every Monday for the past 2-3 months and my son still gets just as excited to see if every time 😅 So I know you two will still have a great time at the firefighter breakfast!!
  3. M

    Having a second is "X" times as much work

    @pilgrimschild I have heard that a 4-5 year gap is considered the “best” by a lot of people! Unfortunately those of us with older bodies can’t afford to wait that long in between kids lol