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  1. C

    Called 9-11 on daughter

    @jar1437 I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Please get your daughter immediate psychiatric care. Anorexia has the highest recidivism and mortality rates of any mental illness. Forcing snacks likely was a trigger. You need professional help.
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    Y’all, it’s not our fault

    @upon_this_rock Some adults are intuitively “good” sleepers; some are not. Babies are humans, with individual strengths and weaknesses. It’s absolutely no one’s fault if a baby struggles with independent sleep. I wake up several times a night as an adult! They’ll get there in time.
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    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley Nope. No way. To put it into perspective, a year is half your child's life to date. There's no amount of money that would make that ok with me. I would also not be ok with my husband taking a job that kept him from participating in family life for extended periods of time. Unless...
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    How Do I Stop Being a Cranky B*tch

    @kaleidoscopeheart This sounds so hard — too hard. Anyone would be cranky when this stretched thin. I think you’re focusing on the wrong issue here. Being cranky is the effect of being pulling in too many directions. Focus instead on solving for your bandwidth and finding reliable childcare...
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    NB vs 0-3 clothing size

    @niederwaldflash My 6lbs premie outgrew Newborn sizing around 7weeks.
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    Postpartum running

    @dudgurqkqh Your pelvic floor most likely won’t be ready for running at 6 weeks. I wouldn’t consider until 12 weeks, and even then I would work with pelvic floor PT to rehab and clear for running. Take it slow. Running puts tremendous pressure on your pelvic floor; even professional runners...