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    Baby just hates everything

    @mac4701 I’ll definitely look into it! I’ll try anything at this point. Thank you!
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    Baby just hates everything

    @mac4701 the lactation consultant checked her for one in the hospital and said it looked fine but she has been having some issues latching lately so i may need a second opinion. She did great latching for about 10 days and now randomly struggles
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    Baby just hates everything

    @marazion she definitely has a lot of gas and belly discomfort. We’ve tried some gas drops and different exercises but I think Ill call her ped Monday to see if we can get to the bottom of things. Thank you!
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    Baby just hates everything

    @amanda_forjesus oh thank you! that’s really interesting!
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    Baby just hates everything

    @bertolsmith omg i could’ve written most of those myself! hope he’s doing better, I can’t imagine dealing with this for weeks and weeks to come 😫😓. I wanted so badly to not be pregnant anymore and now some days I wish I could stick her back so she’d at least be happy!
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    Baby just hates everything

    @jacknorth 6 months?? oh god I don’t know if I can manage that long 😫… do they typically treat reflux or is it just something they grow out of?
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    Baby just hates everything

    @sebastianebilly At least there’s hope! My other 2 were just so much more chilled out and mellow. I could actually get out of the house and run errands, etc. so this has definitely thrown me for a loop. I do think she’s developing reflux so that may be the culprit. Thank you for your kind words!
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    Baby just hates everything

    2.5 week old daughter and if she’s not sleeping, she’s crying. Even when she breastfeeds she frequently whines and stirs around and pulls away over and over. Won’t take a bottle, won’t take a pacifier, doesn’t like when I sit down but also doesn’t love when I’m standing. Sort of likes a swaddle...