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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @chaitealatte456789 Apologies! Clearly I’m so exhausted I forgot basic details! She is 5.5 months old, takes 4oz of expressed breast milk. All her naps are contact naps - 3x a day, probably about 1-1.5 hr each.
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @ramy6et Thanks for your reply. What do you mean by weaning? Do I just leave her to cry when she wakes? Do I just eliminate all feeds cold turkey?
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @catinherhat She is 5.5 months old and takes 4oz of expressed breast milk per feed. Do I just choose which feeds and leave her to cry the rest?
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @tedmozbie She feeds every 2-3 hours, I’ve tried increasing the volume but she just refuses.
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @inneedofadvice12 Apologies! I was really tired when I wrote this, but I have edited the post to include more details. Thank you!
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @job28 Thanks for your reply. Did you comfort your little one the first time they woke up for food? Or did you just let him self soothe?
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    @byzantine We are still room sharing, but we don’t have a room for her to sleep in (waiting to move house, so it’s chaos). I did think moving her into her own room would make things much easier, but unfortunately not an option for us at the moment.
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    Baby wakes to feed 4+ times a night

    How do I sleep train a baby who wakes up screaming for a bottle? Even a nappy change sets her off and she screams the place down. I don’t know how to just let her cry if she is seemingly starving. Please help an exhausted parent, I’m at my wits end :( EDIT: She is 5.5 months old, takes 4oz of...