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  1. T

    Almost 4 month old still feeding every 1-2 hours 24/7 for 5 weeks, I'm about to lose my sanity

    @patrickmoore89 Following bc my son is going through something sort of similar 🫠
  2. T

    New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes

    @enduring_until_the_end Yes right now he falls asleep at night on the bottle! I always nursed him to sleep so it was the smoothest transition for us. For naps he definitely likes to be bounced but he’s never required that for night time. He will occasionally resettle with his paci as well! I...
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    New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes

    @wren84 I wouldn’t mind dry/comfort nursing at all except I have gotten a horrible aversion to it during the night 😭 my husband is an angel so taking turns shouldn’t be an issue either! Thank you!
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    New to formula. 7m old MOTN wakes

    Hi everyone!! I have a wonderful 7 month old little boy that I breastfed for the first 6 months. I’m pregnant with #2 right now so naturally my supply dried up and we had to switch him to formula and he has handled it great!! I’m just curious as to how you all handle frequent middle of the night...