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  1. O

    i’m worried that my eating disorder will come back post partum and I’m really scared

    @aiambutasmallvoice I’m currently 35 weeks and up until 30 weeks was exercising regularly which really helped with the old ED thoughts ‘eg I’m strong, I can run, I need food to fuel myself’ but suddenly at 30 weeks I had to have emergency surgery, (baby is thankfully okay) and I’m signed off...
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    Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

    @ridley12 I had placenta previa at the 20 week scan and again at scan at 30 weeks. By 34 weeks it had moved from 17mm from my cervix to 70mm. I was absolutely sure it wouldn’t move and I would have to have a section and after not budging in 10 weeks it shot up in 4! Basically make sure you get...
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    My toddler eats like 8 things and I don’t have the energy to do anything about it

    @dmhanson511 That’s what I do. Mine is just turned 3 and will eat a decent variety of breakfast foods, a couple of sandwich options at lunch and then at dinner has some combo of: plain pasta, veggie nuggets/sausages, raw carrot and cucumber. Thats it for dinner, nothing mixed, nothing with...