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  1. C

    What kind of car do you drive?

    @olaitan I love my Subaru ascent with captains chairs. It feels so sturdy and a lot of luxury features for a rugged brand. It looks a lot like a Toyota Highlander. I plan to drive this car until I kill it. ETA I tested the back row when I was trying cars. It had by far the most comfy ride in...
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    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm I’m still winging it at 15 weeks! I’m lucky I don’t have to get a strict schedule because I’m unemployed so I dont have work or daycare to fit in the day. I know I will but I’m cherishing living by what works for baby in the moment. I’m slowly seeing a pattern emerging but until it’s...
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    How is everyone’s LO eating so much at 6-7 weeks?

    @kcollins14 My little guy was born at 2 percentile and is still on that curve at 6 weeks. he’s easily downing 3.5 without much of a fight. He has always had a big appetite. Have you tried different bottles? We were having dribble at Mitch Dr browns and I switched to avent bottles and we’ve had...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    And to all those saying they had smaller babies, I think the point is don’t bet on having a tiny baby until you have said tiny baby. you can easily go back and get more NB sizes but you can’t take a lot of NB stuff you get before baby because you’ve washed it and taken tags off. Best advice I...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @jerryklasic My baby was 9 lbs and she could barely even wear 0-3 months! Always size up until they are full grown people! All of this is so spot on 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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    What kind of car do you drive?

    @filledwithpower Upvoting for Subaru. The Volvo is gorgeous too but it’s so pricy!
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    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    @davidschmitt It is short lived pain for long term protection. Focus on the fact that it will keep then from life altering diseases. I did what I could to make him comfortable as possible. I did ivf and know a thing or two about making the unpleasant a little more comfortable. I made sure he...
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    I need help - baby is not gaining weight

    @apa It is ok to feed formula if needed. I struggled with supplementing myself. I decided to do research and select the best formula based on ingredients. My biggest deal breaker was corn syrup. My baby is gaining weight like crazy combo feeding now. I switched formulas to happybaby organic...
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    She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

    @psyman The preemie diapers are so small when you look at where they are now. My guy was 4 weeks early, and he’s now about to outgrow 0-3 at 4 months. It is a reminder of just how quick things go. Enjoy exactly where they are in the moment because it really is fleeting
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    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    @nosweargamer I ALWAYS got darker tests in the evening with frer. You have to compare same time and same test if you want to see any progression. My mornings were lighter but progresses next to each other, my evenings were darker and would also progress. Good luck
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    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    @nosweargamer It could be. If you’re in the us, you can order your own testing through labcorp. Was the first test smu? Was it a frer or easy@home?
  12. C

    Is there any reason a stronger test very early on should be a concern?

    @nosweargamer I would be willing to bet you may be a day or two off dpo. I wouldn’t worry too much though! Are you getting a beta?