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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @lionbacker54 Thank you for your feedback and for taking the time to do my survey!!
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @tressalie Thank you so much! I can't wait to share my results with you all in a few months!
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @bama_girl It 100% helped! 👏🏼💕
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @richardthelambheart Thank you SO much! 💕
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @mader Thank you, thank you! 💯💯👏🏼👏🏼
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @lindalee1456 As soon as I finish data collection and officially close off recruiting participants, it should take me about 2 weeks to update y'all 😂 I gotta get this thing DONE (and I'm super excited) Y'all have seriously made this entire process a little faster and this research is so needed...
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @azel So thankful for your participation 💕💕
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @jhoney Absolutely you do! Method doesn't matter as much as breastmilk vs formula. I'm which case there are options for exclusively using breastmilk and supplementing with formula.
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @katrina2017 You're awesome!! Thanks so much for taking it 😍
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @princessbychrist Thank you so much for that feedback. I literally had almost identical concerns when putting my study together. I have a statistics program that I've programmed to convert/reverse those stats. The tricky thing about using published surveys/questions is that you can't edit or...
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @slick77 My son is 4 now, and we've been done nursing for almost 2 years and he still sometimes reaches into my shirt in his sleep or when he feels bad. We're creating crazy amazing attachments with our babies.
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @slick77 You can totally take it! I have a question on age so I can measure that as a variable. Side note - I nursed my son until after his second birthday, and those last few months were the most amazing bonding moments that I still miss. It's so awesome that you're able to keep it going with...
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @ssandy How cool! I've always been interested at the overlap (and completely no overlap sometimes) between sociology and psychology. I'd love to hear more about your research and will totes update you on mine too! (And thanks for taking the survey ♥️)
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @luthfineymar Meditation, relaxation, and grounding is all over the research for PPD as treatment options...and unfortunately those things are hard to do when you have an infant 😂 like everything else is. I'm so happy therapy is helping though!
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @luthfineymar Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about resources or information ♥️ You're a badass for even choosing to complete a survey while you're feeling this way 👏🏼
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @kimterry12 So thankful for your participation!! ♥️♥️
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    Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!

    @stonesoffire THANK YOU MUCHO! 😍👏🏼