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  1. D

    Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

    @laurencesantos I go back and forth on committing to being OAD. But I was diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy which is a very rare form of heart failure caused by the stress of pregnancy on my heart. Although I had a very easy pregnancy and delivery. This appeared 2 weeks pp. Depending...
  2. D

    Baby hates being in a baby carrier

    @pashapotte This! My son (2 months) all of a sudden seemed to not like being in a wrap. He would fuss and so I took him out pretty quickly. One day I decided to give it more time (because mama needed to get crap done lol) and he was fine eventually.
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    She doesn’t fit newborn or 0-3 anymore

    @coffeegrinder I feel this so much. I love experiencing every first holiday with my son but I find myself leading up to it in a bit of a panic of whether or not I need to do ALL the keepsake ideas for fear I will regret it later. Thankfully I haven’t gone and done all of the things because I...