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    Why do YOU use cloth diapers?

    @ilovegod123 Brilliant post OP! I also have a 4 month old who was born 4 weeks premature and has teeny legs. We've only just moved to majority cloth during the day, although we still use disposables at night and during naps (we try to use biodegradable nappies although they will still take a...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @katrina2017 Thank you, you too! Yeah she has some really unique choices of words sometimes. Don't get me wrong, she's not against me breastfeeding, but she's upset that my girl wakes up through the night (not that it wakes up her up).
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @pinkdolphin Thanks imaginary mum! 🥰
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @lisboneu She was really strict. Incredibly hard working and my parents worked really hard to provide for us... but strict. Her friend told me that when I was younger (around 8 or 9) I was hungry and I interrupted them talking to ask if I could have my lunch now. Apparently my mum exploded and...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @katrina2017 Exactly! I can't imagine ever hitting my girl
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @malgo 100 percent!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @malgo Uh huh. Her choice of words at times are interesting.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @allena36 It's crazy how breastfeeding and co-sleeping, the two most natural ways to parent are so contentious to so many people! If someone isn't being kept awake by my baby, then they don't have to comment on how she sleeps.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @royaleternity We used to live away but I moved home when I was pregnant. Unfortunately with covid, I lost my job so we've had to stay at my mum's house for a lot longer than we wanted. Consider yoursel lucky that you can avoid arguments!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @binbit32 I agree! May the next generation be better than the last.
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    Help a lazy Alva-pocket-diapering person graduate to something better for overnight?

    @morehimlessme Woah a lot of down votes over this one! I think it's to do with all over absorbancy and compression leaks. Pockets are made out of thinner material than night time nappies and even if you stuff them a lot you are more prone to compression leaks, especially with a wriggly baby...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @binbit32 And yet, I bet your baby is super happy and secure!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @josh517 Thank you. Hey being angry is a perfectly human emotion and can be perfectly reasonable at times. It's how we project those feelings of anger that we can work on. I'd be lying if I said I don't ever get frustrated with my girl. I'm sure you're doing great too.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @yssa4w Thank you so much
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @abinsky My dad told me to bite her too! What is wrong with that generation??? She's teething, she doesn't know what she's doing, she's not even aware that that will hurt me. But all she knows is gnawing down on me helps her gums. And guess what? Without biting her she's stopped biting me. She...
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @holingragged I'm in no rush at all to get her into her own bed. I'm sure you both sleep much better being close to one another.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @sraweber369 I love when my daughter grabs my top and pulls herself closer to me when she stirs. It's just the cutest.
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @jrtravaille It's what works for you, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Besides, all the more cuddles!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @russelkuskie Yup!
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    Eugh...Just Eugh

    @crismate88 Thank you. Taking it each day at a time. I originally moved back in with my mum temporarily, but then covid happened and I lost my job... so here we are! Luckily my husband just got a new job today (hurrah!) so we can look forward to the future now and getting our own place where we...