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  1. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    @jl090812 Thank you! I will absolutely look into this 🤗
  2. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    @blessed2oo That is really good to know! And same regarding Facebook lol I love my OB and she said to let her know if I didn’t get pregnant Feb or March, so I think she will refer me and or do more tests. I feel like my progesterone has reduced significantly in the last couple years. I used to...
  3. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    @blessed2oo This is very comforting to hear, thank you! My LP is usually 9 days but this last month it was 11. My cycles range from 23-27 days. I know I’m ovulating but I think my progesterone is just too low/I need a longer LP. I already wrote my doc to discuss. Turning 40 in June, gotta get...
  4. K

    I guess I don't need to keep my legs up after sex!

    @kimos Any other tips?? I’m also 39 been ttc for 5 months with a chemical on first cycle trying. Which menstrual cup did you use?