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  1. N

    Will this work if nanny does not speak the minority language

    @einspectorfidget Ah I see. Location could be an issue. It's quite easy to get around London to some extent. But i have never had a nanny... I have quite flexible working hours which helps though. I'd recommend too if anyone mentions something like bebefin or cocomelon, go to Jojo baby or baby...
  2. N

    Will this work if nanny does not speak the minority language

    @einspectorfidget Hi, my kid is 2 and half. Parent 1 speaks Mandarin, parent two speaks Hakka. We talk to each other in English and mandarin (mandarin isn't my mother tongue) and we've been sending our kid since 11 months old to English nursery (they even do french on Fridays lol). So far, her...
  3. N

    Raising a baby in a trilingual family

    @aldredian Perfectly said. My Hakka has actually improved since talking to my daughter in it. And I actively look up the dictionary if I have to as well. And my daughter speaks back to me in Hakka so it is a head start even though I also struggle with particular topic vocab e.g. politics