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  1. J

    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @coachlittlez23 I feel the exact same way. When I was pregnant I had all of these ideas about how I wasn’t going to be entertaining my baby 24/7 and how kids need to learn how to entertain themselves and not be stimulated all the time. Now that baby is here I struggle so much with this. He’ll be...
  2. J

    breastfeeding 2 day old

    @user4949 That’s so interesting about haaka milk - do you know why it can’t be donated? I have noticed that when I use my haaka it’s mostly foremilk so it’s watery and not very fatty. My ped said to just collect what I can from the opposite side with the haaka while feeding baby and to top him...
  3. J

    breastfeeding 2 day old

    @eldorado It’s insane how many people will push you to use formula before your milk comes in. I was so grateful that my pediatrician encouraged us to keep going with breastfeeding, even though my baby lost quite a bit of his birth weight in those early days. They just had us come in for some...
  4. J

    Thrive Market

    @nowforever I’ve had it for a few years and I love it! Their sales are so good and they ship fast which is helpful because I try to avoid Amazon as much as possible. They also have a lot of free “gifts” that are actually things you want.
  5. J

    Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

    @lsltylrs01 For me the pain peaked around week 2 and lasted for about a week. By week 4 it was basically gone. My baby’s latch has been perfectly fine the whole time and he had no oral ties or other issues. It’s so frustrating hearing “it shouldn’t hurt”. This is a common thing. All I can say is...