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    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor I think your baby is just a baby with a high proximity need. I have one of those. She is 19 months old and is still attached to me at the hip most days. Baby wearing helped me when she was little. Embrace the contact naps. It won't be like this for long in the scheme of things. And...
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    Anyone else feel like it's a struggle to get baby out and about?

    @ajay003 I'm not worried. That virus is here to stay and is not as dangerous as it once was. Especially for children. I also had the virus in my last trimester and am vaccinated so my baby has my immunities. You gotta live at some point. Maybe just stay away from crowds and actively sick people.
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    Feeling alone in not sleep training

    @keithparagon You are definitely not alone, but I also feel this way in the US. It made me angry reading your post. We are biologically wired to respond to our babies' cries for a reason. I have to just excuse myself from conversations when sleep training comes up.
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    How to not be irrationally resentful at husband for getting full sleep every night?

    @steveepperson I would be Furious. Let him know that you are.
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    Too affectionate with toddler?

    @bellzybee I am the same way with my 20month old. I don't feel it's too affectionate. My daughter is very affectionate with us as well. I love it
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    I’m living in my future nostalgia

    @leonard_eccentric You put that feeling into words perfectly. I try to really be mindful to imprint certain memories for this reason
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    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 It's a crapshoot. Sometimes it's every 1-2hrs, sometimes every 3-4hrs and on extremely rare occasions she'll go 5-6hrs. Those scare me when they happen, and I'll wake up before she does worried she died in her sleep.
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    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 That's more than I get at 20 months. Eventually,my body got used to the frequent wake ups and I do fine with some caffeine.