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  1. R

    Anyone else hate working?

    @savannahcbc I think this perspective helps a lot. As well as if you can, finding a job you can at least tolerate versus hate. Work is a means for me to have a house, do stuff with my kids, vacation, etc.
  2. R

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @celoxisppm Pregnancy permanently changed the shape of my body. My hips are now several inches wider and that's my new bone structure. No exercise or diet changing that. Unless I get a tummy tuck, the saggy area at the bottom of my belly is there to stay. Now I desperately need to lose...
  3. R

    Anyone else not “crave adult interaction”?

    @porven Yes and no. Between being an introvert and finding that most people end up disappointing me, I crave interaction with a few key individuals when I don't have it and there have only been a few of those over the years who are coworkers. I currently work from home and have schoolage kids...
  4. R

    How do you have time to do anything?

    @babszie Working out from home was the only way I was able to incorporate regular exercise when my kids were little. I was able to get in the best shape of my life with hand weights, an exercisr mat, and being diligent about my routine. I started with the 21 Day Fix Beachbody disc and now have...