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  1. K

    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler Don't look up to me too much as I'm a FTM with a 9 week old, but I'm now advising every mom-to-be to have a pumping bra on hand if breastmilk is important to them. We were having an almost eerily textbook pregnancy when my water broke at 32w6d, which sent baby right to the NICU...
  2. K

    Should my L&D nurse have known I was in labor?

    @lostandinsecure So I went back and read all of the notes and summaries available to me because of your comment; I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of that before. But anyway, the doctor's notes say that I "progressed rapidly" about eight hours after admittance (so about 5 AM). While technically...
  3. K

    Should my L&D nurse have known I was in labor?

    Asking here because so many of us are part of the PPROM club. Tl;dr - experienced PPROM at 32w5d and was admitted to the hospital. About eight hours after my water breaking I started getting low cramps that felt like really really bad period cramps. Turns out they were contractions. I didn't...
  4. K

    How much parental leave did u take?

    @aihi Lurker pre-mom here. We're due with our first in April. I get two weeks paid and have to take anything else unpaid. My husband gets zero days, so he'll be using one, maybe two, weeks of his three weeks of vacation. Neither of us is eligible for FMLA. He does work from home, but is in...