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  1. W

    Do you let your kid skip family activities for stuff the other parent wants to do with them during your time?

    Just realized there was no age posted. Assuming if both skiing and basketball are options for this kid, they're between 7-14. That's old enough for autonomy and consequences that aren't vindictive but just natural progression of life choices.
  2. W

    Do you let your kid skip family activities for stuff the other parent wants to do with them during your time?

    @carolvdmerwe For me, a kid this age is old enough to understand the consequences of scheduling conflicts. While the parents are ultimately responsible for scheduling, the kid may be in need of some realistic consequences. Let him choose, live with your own disappointment, and allow your child...
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    Reunification: Incarceration, Addiction, Mental Illness

    @thaniya If you have sole decision making power, don't question your gut. Lawyers will have your back. Dad's feelings are not a part of the equation when kids safety and balanced development are in question. Tell him the boundary is he provides the things youve asked and then he gets time. If he...
  4. W

    6 y/o doesn’t like any activities. Not sure what to do?

    @aristarick Get him into therapy, maybe consider just giving him books. What does he like to do, and what does he spend his time doing? If he has something he would rather be doing, look into that. Is it valid? Is it safe? Is he just not into anything? He may be depressed. If he's good in school...