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  1. W

    How do you make it through the first year?

    @shanaynay Cosleeping has saved my sleep. He still wakes about maybe four to eight times a night, but I don't wake so fully and feel reasonably rested. My tiredness is manageable so long as I also take myself to bed at a reasonable hour - in bed by nine pm. I have to be really strict with...
  2. W

    When did your belly snap back?

    Edited to add This was not a c section stomach and I still haven't weaned. My pelvic floor PY said I'd healed my DR by 8 weeks - i didn't do anything special, just followed some gentle videos on the TV for it. I think healing the DR really helps. And I basically baby wore continuously for at...
  3. W

    When did your belly snap back?

    @cernunnos Probably by nine months because that's when I went on a more stringent health kick and lost more weight and did more lifting so my abs came back to almost what they used to be (I used to have lovely abs in retrospect - miss you guys) There was still a subtle shape difference if I got...
  4. W

    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 It does get better, yes. The 4 hour stretches will become more frequent and eventually one day turn into five hours, then six hours and so forth. Mine finally slept from 8pm to 7am at 20 months, so although it can take some of them a while - they will get there.
  5. W

    Growth scan ultrasound - 36 weeks measuring small

    @fictitiousdinosaur My bump always measured small, my son measured small - at the 5th centile on ultrasound. He's been absolutely fine since born, just has remained small around the 9th centile. He's meeting his milestones and is a really easy, happy baby. He just happens to be a petite baby -...
  6. W

    Any bike commuting moms here?

    My distance door to door was about 15min, most of it on dedicated cycle paths/lanes through a University area, or through a housing estate with a low speed limit. Depends how stable and safe you feel, as I think that will limit how long you cycle for, rather than fitness
  7. W

    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @surendered12345678 I did manage to keep bike commuting all the way to the end but my ride is/was much shorter than yours. As in - last day at work at 37+1 (Friday) I rode on, and the little man decided he didn't want me to waste any maternity leave, so went and made an early appearance on...
  8. W

    Cuddle curl but not feeding side lying?

    @tom34 I definitely had to sit up in bed to feed in the early days. I think baby was maybe three months old, if not more, before we mastered side-feeding. For me it wasn't just the falling asleep that you're describing , but that in the early days my breasts were too engorged/solid for the...