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  1. N

    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @copelasm I need to try this towel hack. I decline everyone because I work with 90% men, and I just think it would be too weird for them to hear.
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @wisper I pump into bottles, and then whoever was taking care of him would feed him. I get 3, 30 minute pump breaks as my accommodations, I don't see why you couldn't nurse instead of you'd prefer and timing would work out. For me, it was easier to pump and not need to be on demand for his hunger.
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    Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

    @cupoftea The entire industry is a scam. Solidarity in your anger my friend. I never paid a dime into it but it is 100% a predatory industry.
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    The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

    @garry25 My husband is healing his childhood trauma by being the father he wished he had and it's really cool to see. He keeps a journal for our son to give to him when's he is an adult and the entries make me cry. Stuff about him, me, the dogs, his fears and success as a dad, our son as he is...
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    What do your weekday mornings look like?

    @nhope I have a 9 month old, husband works in person full time, I work in person 2 days a week. Mon/tues/friday: up at 7:30, get myself ready, pump coffee, breakfast, get baby up. Grandparents show up at 9 and take over until whenever I'm done with meetings for the day. Wed/thursday: up at...