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  1. M

    Positive stories!

    @pentzbar000 People just complain louder than they say positive things - it’s just our nature. Having kids is the BEST thing ever. Yeah there’s some huge changes and you lose sleep and life is different, but WOW. that love you feel for them is like nothing else. Your heart grows a million times...
  2. M

    What to do? My son's g.f. is beating him up

    @xitosunwin Yeah I think she was ready to…. My mom is tiny…. But scary
  3. M

    What to do? My son's g.f. is beating him up

    @dadon We had a similar situation in my family with one of my siblings - they were being beaten up by their girlfriend and my mom witnessed it. She is a teeny tiny woman, but she unleashed a tirade on that girl that would have scared a tiger away. This was near the end of their relationship...