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  1. M

    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    @johngill I tried to give her a pacifier because I thought all the eating episode couldn’t all be all from hunger. She spit out that pacifier as soon as she suck on it once or twice. I keep on offering it for her but she refuses and then she scream. She stop screaming as soon as a bottle is...
  2. M

    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    Background: I was going to combo feed but my baby ravenous hunger, impatient nature, and me not producing enough made me switch to formula feed exclusively. She literally tore my nipple inside out when she latched on and refused to let go the first day. When we switch med to formula feeding we...