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  1. P

    I f**ed up!

    @poppa51 Personally I don't think you were in the wrong, your intentions were good and out of concern for the babies safety, I've had one of my mum friends gently correct me on something before and I never took it the wrong way I was grateful then went on to do my own research because I know...
  2. P

    Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

    @zoznoz Don't feel guilty, I managed to breastfeed for 3.5 months and after like 3-4 weeks of exclusively pumping for my baby I ended up swapping to formula, pumping is honestly soul destroying in my experience.
  3. P

    The moment you realize you’ve made it is when your baby will have the dad you didn’t

    @garry25 My fiance never had a relationship with his dad and despises his step father so he strives to always have time with our son. My own father lived in different countries my entire life and I'd see him maybe 4-5 times a year, contact was on and off and he done some not to great things to...
  4. P

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @sass My baby sleeps from maybe 10-12pm to 8-10am which I class as sleeping through the night, his wake up time largely depends on when we manage to get him to sleep since he's a fighter 😥