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    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor I had a pretty stress free pregnancy, besides just some normal stress and anxiety, and if my 1 year old could crawl UNDER my skin she would. Her whole life she has been wanting to be held and would only contact nap for the first 6 months of her life. We’re slowly fostering some...
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    Will my breasts really shrink after breastfeeding?

    @con4christ88 My boobs went back to the same cup size but they just look really sad, lol
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    A FTM birth plan thrown to the wind

    @snowtrekker Yep. The contractions were bad, but somehow manageable so I held off on any pain relief. Then I got back labor during transition and I remember begging for help and yelling at my husband that it felt like someone was breaking every bone in my back, one at a time. It’s excruciating.
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    Low HCG 17 dpo - 707 IU/L

    @csf Mine was 437 at 17 DPO and she is now a healthy 12 week old. That number looks great for how far along you are!
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    Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

    @infomommax I’m 8.5 weeks pregnant and have a nearly 10 month old and it’s so hard. I’m so miserable. I know it’ll be worth it in the end because I’d do this a million times over for my daughter, but I wish there was a different way.
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    Pregnant again 5 months postpartum

    @rubbersoul Found out I was pregnant again when our first was 8 months old and I was crushed. I was on the combo pill so this second baby definitely isn’t planned. I’m now almost 9 weeks along so I don’t have any advice but want to send some solidarity. We’ve always wanted 2 kids so we decided...