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  1. G

    PUMP Act blocked

    @taylor1391 On top of that, you’re on the hook for your own health insurance costs during the 12 weeks. And if they’ve paid in the employers share for the health insurance then you’re obligated to work for at least 30 days after birth or you owe that money. Thanks America!
  2. G

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lesbian5eva do itttt! so i got laid off from a really high paying job during covid and husband doesnt have insurance. i had to go work for starbucks to get healthcare (their healthcare was great, not gonna lie) and they required 12 hours/week to keep insurance. i basically did 4.30-8.30am, 3-4x...
  3. G

    PUMP Act blocked

    @mony44 In their eyes it is equality, men shouldn’t take more than two weeks off too. Team lead says bringing in children to the world is the worst thing you can do (we are an environmental and sustainability research non profit) and REALLY shows it.
  4. G

    PUMP Act blocked

    @mony44 Wanna hear something worst? Maternity “leave” is two weeks because it’s under 50 employees so no FMLA and the team lead (who’s a woman) said “expect not to have a job if you take more than 2 weeks off”. This is a nonprofit who goes on and on about inclusivity, takes part in pride, is...
  5. G

    PUMP Act blocked

    @carolvo1996 They showed me the bathroom when I asked where can I pump…