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  1. S

    Co parent changes jobs on average every 1.5 years...I could use some advice

    @dirtdizzy This made me laugh, thank you. But that's only because if I think about it too much I'll cry.
  2. S

    Co parent changes jobs on average every 1.5 years...I could use some advice

    I currently provide healthcare for our child and it is a high deductible plan. Father has recently offered to put our child on his employer provided plan. On the face of it, it appears to be better than what I have. I'm hesitant to agree to a change because father has a long history of changing...
  3. S

    Do you correct your ex when they lie? Whether it’s to your child’s providers or to someone else when you’re present?

    @lazarus58 I highly recommend the book on BIFF communication. They also have an online course on dealing with high conflict co parents called the conflict playbook. I'm still working my way through it but it's been very useful. It doesn't change my ex but it helps me cope.