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  1. K

    Your easiest, tastiest meals

    @kgy0001 Do you have a Trader Joe’s nearby? Their freezer meals save my life. I just have a ton of options in the freezer, and then the majority of them involve dumping the stuff in a pan and cooking it for like 10 minutes. The lists and the multiple ingredients and the chopping… I know I...
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @1stjohn0666 Haha… watch out because I’m probably more triggered by this than I should be. 😂 Since my MIL did last summer (and FIL died a few years ago) we no longer have to do those visits. They were old and it was too hard for them to travel so we went to see them for about a week 2x a year...
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    How do I build a Faraday cage around the bathroom?

    @criley Can I just say that I really want to be friends with you? The idea of a bathroom faraday cage is BRILLIANT! Let's make this happen... 😂
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    Working Mom Life Hacks?

    @grace_alone I do this too! My daughter is prolific and taking pictures and tossing the original is the only way we’re not drowning in paper
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    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    @victoriablackwell That’s awesome that your in laws help with kids! I agree a child free vacation is the best, but the compromise approach seems decent.
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    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @samarami Same. If it was every day or even 3x a week that would be really hard, but for 1x a week and such a big pay bump go for it!
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    Managing bedtimes?

    @webelieveinjesuschrist Echoing what others have said, we only have one activity a week (swim lessons) and the cutoff for having that done is 5:30. Even on those nights having the activity done at 5:30 puts pressure on our evening routine so I will either grab some fast casual on the way home...