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    I had to listen to my SiLs baby CIO over the holidays

    @deavallsbabe In defence of that sub, it isn't all about sleep training. I haven't sleep trained my girl but I've learned a lot about schedules, routines, sleepy cues, wake windows etc. As a FTM, I was clueless without it
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @ijaz123 It's when babes get too many calories overnight and thus won't feed well during day. We would try to limit feeds to 2 a night from 5 months old because I knew she could do this from tracking her. Any other wakes would be for comfort so we'd rock her, pat her etc and not feed
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 I'd recommend the sleep training sub. I'm not pro sleep training whatsoever, however, this group has helped me with scheduling etc. To be honest, you can't really give extinction or ferber a go until your schedule is nailed otherwise you're setting yourselves up for failure. Not sure how...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 There are so many things you can do to optimise sleep without CIO. I have never formally sleep trained my nearly 7mo, but she sleeps through the night and has started to take cot naps. We used to rock to sleep but gradually faded that out over 6 weeks due to my slipped disc. It's taken...
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    I’m exhausted and it’s my 6 month olds fault

    @chesed28 Hiya! Fellow 6mo old mum here. I'd post your schedule as it may be contributing. My babe is also on 3 naps but sleeps 11 hours with 1 or 0 feeds. Not sleep trained but I have to guard her schedules with all my life to allow for this to happen!
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    Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

    @ralitza Perfectly normal if babe isn't rolling.
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    How many naps does your 8-9 month old take?

    @abgchristian23 We dropped to 2 naps at 7.5mo. To do so, we capped nap 3 down to 5 minutes over 3 weeks and then dropped. Starting schedule was 2.5/2.75/3.5
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    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    @reformedjen You're in an identical situation that I was recently in with my near 11mo. Also BF and contact napper, which my family seemed to disapprove of. My girl will literally bat people away, scream and put her hands out to be picked back up by me. I initially was apologetic about this and...
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    Can someone help me with a proper schedule for my 16 week old?

    @penguinpet Hiya. Just wanted to show solidarity as my 18wk old only contact naps and as you said, if I'm lucky, 30 mins by herself in the morning. I'd focus on wake windows and practising independant sleep at bedtime first before naps. For reference, our wake windows are 1.75/2/2/2/2.25 with...
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Thank you! I meant starting 1 nap schedule but you answered my actual question anyway!!!! Thank you
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Thank you so much for taking the time out to reply. Great advice, I will keep a track of that first wake window and slowly adjust it to her needs. We still follow wake windows and not by the clock. For this reason, bedtime can fluctuate by about 15 mins but I stick to a...
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    The March to 1 Nap: A Practical Guide to Baby Nap Transitions (4m-18m-ish)

    @knowledgeisnotignorant Hiya. You're literally my favourite person in life as you have saved me on so many occasions. My girl is 12 months in a few weeks time and currently on 3/3.5/3.75. Nap 1 is independent and in cot and this has always been the longer one. On average it's 2 hours, but...