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  1. J

    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @leematthew1234 Hmmm yep my thought was also about the benefits of repetition. I wonder if there’s a bit of a difference depending on the age of the kiddo? Like my 2yo benefits from the same book 15 times a week but a 5yo might benefit more from variety? I’m just spit-balling though!
  2. J

    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    @grace4nan Erasing this nuance also weirdly pushes people who choose the less beneficial behaviour to excuse it by pretending there’s no risk. Many bed-sharing/ free-birthing/ whatever advocates promote their worldview by saying it is perfectly safe, rather than acknowledging that, yes, there...
  3. J

    I am so f*cking sick of this nausea

    @peacfullyandcalm This. I'm still vomitting but I'm a functional human being 60% of the time compared to 0% and that's the difference between staying in my job or not 😆