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  1. M

    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    @dannyboy237 Thank you! Will start applying some soothing gels! Thank you for your response
  2. M

    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    @ilovethelordhelovesmetoo Thank you for your response! Will consider meds or soothing gels for her teeth!
  3. M

    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    @omar1995 You are right, what did you use to calm his pain? Last night i applied some pumpkin oil and it seemed like it helped, she cried for a shorter time than usual. I just dont want to give her pain medicine every time she feels discomfort, what helped you and your son?
  4. M

    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    Our baby girl slept through the night all the way up to 12 months. Around this time we also transitioned to one nap since she was refusing her second nap, she now gets 2-2.5 hrs of day sleep and bedtime falls around 7:30-8pm. Every night since maybe 2 weeks about (she is currently 13months) she...